About Little Coo

The idea for Little Coo started when Oxfordshire based mum Liz was taking endless videos, video calls and pictures of her newborn baby boy during the national lockdown.

Rather than looking at the back of her blank phone, Liz wanted her baby to focus on something sensory and engaging to stimulate his newborn eyes during those precious early days.

She noticed that if she took pictures whilst holding a baby sensory image on the back of her phone, then her baby would coo, but would stop when the picture was removed. And so the idea of baby sensory phone cases was born to make sure her baby always made a little coo whilst simulating and caring for his growing eyes.

Liz with a case

Caring for newborn eyes

In the first year of life there are limitations in babies’ vision and they respond well to simple, bold patterns with high contrast.

These types of images support their visual development, inviting babies to engage whilst offering stimulation that will keep them captivated for short periods of time.

The visual contrast on the cases encourages babies to explore the different patterns, giving a multi-sensory experience to young explorers.

Strong black and white patterns also help babies to develop their ability to focus their attention and levels of concentration.

The more these nerve cells are stimulated the quicker their brain grows and the faster their visual development, with research repeatedly showing that babies surrounded by the right stimulation reach developmental milestones faster.

Bold black-and-white images stimulate the development of the optic nerves and encourage young babies cognitive development without over-stimulating them. 

Little Coo also encourages parent interaction and speech when taking images of babies even in the early days.